
What others say…

“Mark Trowell is an extremely successful jury lawyer. He has a great affinity with them”.

T. F. Percy KC

Mark Trowell has an ability with words that are second to none. He is also a very likeable person, which goes a long way. Because if clients have confidence in their counsel, they feel much more at ease and he inspires confidence in the people he represents”.

Ron Cannon, Barrister

Mark Trowell, one of the top criminal lawyers in Western Australia, has represented many high profile clients … Quick-witted and relentless.”

Bruce Knecht, in his book ‘Hooked – A true story of pirates, poaching and the perfect fish’, published by Griffin Press. This is the New York-based writer’s account of the chase, capture and trial of the Uruguayan long-liner fishing vessel. It was the longest and most dangerous pursuit in maritime history. Mark Trowell represented the captain of the vessel at trial.  The captain and crew were acquitted.

It has been my experience that Mr. Trowell strives for the highest standards of professionalism both from himself and from other members of his team. He represents his client with great skill and tenacity, and is fearless and persuasive advocate”.

David Leask, Solicitor

What struck me most in relation to the view I formed of Mark Trowell as a practitioner and a leader in his field before and after he took Silk was the obvious enthusiasm that he has toward his career and his clients and the caring attitude that he displays in relation to them and their circumstances”.

Frank Castiglione KC

My professional relationship with Mr. Trowell commenced in 1989 when he was defending numerous offenders in the District and Magistrates Courts. In most cases, I was the charging police officer and given the nature of our adversarial system, Mr. Trowel tested myself and police evidence extremely vigorously. I came to admire his persistence and commitment to obtaining justice for his clients, his court decorum, presentation and his substantial legal knowledge”.

Michael Dean (former President of the WA Police Union)

Mark Trowell is an exceptionally competent advocate. He is extremely professional in his dealings with instructing solicitors and their clients. He speaks fearlessly in relation to the clients he is asked to represent”.

John Hammond, Lawyer

I regard Mr. Trowell as a dedicated professional with a deeply entrenched interest in and respect for the law, and in particular the criminal law. His rise to a senior level in the legal profession is, in my estimation, a fair reflection of his dedication to his clients, his tenaciousness in the protection of their interests and the skill he has shown in the practice of his profession”.

Jeremy Shervington, Lawyer

“Mr. Trowell has always vigorously defended and/or prosecuted in the ultimate pursuit of justice and in the very best interest of his client, while always maintaining his own professionalism and integrity”.

Former Det. Inspector Alan Carter